Website Information
Welcome to the Beacon Woods Civic Association website. In order to access the residents only section you must first log-on. After you have been issued your password, you can log back on, go to Update Profile and change your assigned password to a password of your choice. We urge you to log-on often because information is updated periodically.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q Why should I register on the BWCA website?
A There are many reasons. You will have access to BW documents. You will be able to send emails directly to the Civic Center. You will be able to read the WOODSMAN online. But most important, your registration will link you to safety areas and messages.
Q Who can contribute input to the website?
A Any registered homeowner can send letters or articles for the website. We willingly accept comments of dissent but ban personal attacks. The community manager, Web Editor and Communication Committee have final assent.
Q Many people do not have computers. How can they access this information?
A More and more people are finding that a computer is as necessary as a telephone and are entering the computer age. However, we respect the fact that many owners do not have a computer. We urge them to access computers at the Hudson library.
Q We are only here in Beacon Woods in the winter months. Will we still be able to enter the site and send emails from our summer location?
A Definitely. After all WWW stands for "World Wide Web and registered owners can check in from Alaska or Antarctica.
Q Can we offer pictures for the website?
A We welcome them. We are all neighbors and pictures exhibit that fact. The Web Editor and/or Association Manager reserve editorial review.
Q Will the Woodsman still be delivered in print form?
A On the first day of each month, you will still see the printed version. A few days later, it will also be online. This is a great benefit for our snowbirds that have had to pay to receive the Woodsman by mail. Now they are a mouse click away from BWCA news.
Q Is the current format going to be the ongoing website configuration?
A No. With your ideas and the many add-ons available from our site design firm, we will be expanding this website continually. Let us hear from you with thoughts and ideas.
Q - What are the advantages of the Resident only section?
A - In the Residents Only sector, you are able to read the Woodsman online. Send emails to the Civic Center to ask questions about events in Beacon Woods. The BWCA staff will be able to contact you with important bulletins and safety messages and soon this website will be part of a formal Disaster Plan for the entire community in the event of a hurricane or other potential disaster.