New Residents Info
Welcome New Residents
Please register at this site for resident only information.
The Board of Directors and the staff of Beacon Woods Civic Association warmly welcome all new owners of property in Beacon Woods.
As a newcomer, we ask that you please come to the Civic Center to receive your new member packet which fully explains your membership as well as the Deed Restrictions which were a part of your recent real estate transaction. These Deed Restrictions are regarded as a very important part of enjoying the fine image that Beacon Woods maintains as a desirable community.
The Board of Directors would like to encourage all members to attend the monthly meetings. The Board of Directors Meeting is on the second Wednesday of each month at 7PM. The Board of Directors Workshop meeting is held on the Thursday preceding that day at 10AM .
The Woodsman is the official newsletter of our community. It will be left on your driveway the first of every month. It will also be available to you online (if you have registered) after the 5th of the month. We encourage you to read this publication and also check this website frequently to keep up with the latest news.